Part 9: Mission #9: 7 May 2654, Dakota system
Mission #9: 7 May 2654, Dakota systemPreviously on Wing Commander: Bagged ourselves another Kilrathi ace pilot! Tiger's Claw has jumped into Dakota system; we are getting a new wingman (although not a new ship this time). We are making a final push towards victory in Vega campaign!

Hunter and Maniac again, oh joy. What worries me is that we still haven't flown with Hunter...

Ah yes, the Watson's disease will be the subject of this upcoming mission. Well, let's get it over with with the two "hotshots".

You tell him, Hunter!

Ah, now there's the Hunter we all know and love!

Yup, attitude to spare! Incidentally, Knight is going to be our new wingman... just thought I'd mention it.

Ok, this was decidedly unpleasant. These two really need some serious talking to!
Mission Time!
Let's just get out of there and fly a mission, it's bound to be more fun.

So we have two escort missions in one here, really. First we need to escort one transport ship over to its jump point and then go and meet up with another and bring it back to Tiger's Claw. In general, missions in Dakota system and onwards tend to have more "stuff" to do and more enemies in a single mission, unlike so far.
As I've mentioned in the video, the key in this mission is to stay with the ship you are protecting and not let yourself be lured away. This in turn leads to a few enemies possibly escaping, but you do not have the luxury of chasing them as even one Salthi can make short work of a transport ship if you let it! If you don't follow this strategy the first part of this mission can be quite difficult (luckily, saving both ships is not essential to winning Dakota series). Despite having 3 Jalthi at Nav point 2, the second part is actually easier as you have some time to clean up the situation before the transport arrives.
So yeah, a few enemies escaped this time around, but we saved both ships and got a medal and promotion in the process. Awesome. Maybe I should have named the character Major, callsign Major; this way I would now be able to refer to him as Major Major Major.
Medals (I think so far we got all medals that were possible to get):

And the killboard, just a mission or two more and we'll be on top.

Another bit from the Japanese SNES manual: it also included a much nicer looking star map in colour! Oddly, note how there are several misspellings in English names, such as "Hostov"--but even stranger, the Japanese transliteration of this one is closer to the correct Russian pronunciation of the name than English! Nevertheless, even Japanese versions are inconsistently translated in a couple of spots. Note also that Hell's Kitchen system is called "Apocalypse" in this version!!
It looks a lot better than the map from English manual, though!

Next time on Wing Commander
Love among the rocks!